The goal is to align with the mission

The goal is to align with the mission

“Transforming spaces, transforming lives” was more than a tagline for the facilities management company; the CEO was committed to making it part of their operations. However, in a sector where services were delivered at minimum wages and competition demanded high service quality, balancing customer experience and employee satisfaction was a challenge.

The company’s performance management system was still in its infancy. Their Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were primarily financial and operational, lacking the nuance needed to build a performance culture. It wasn’t helping teams balance the competing demands of delivering great customer service while ensuring employee satisfaction.

With KPI rationalisation on the agenda, the CEO suggested embracing OKRs. After several discussions, however, the team realised that it would be too big a change, and they needed something that fits their purpose.

Our goal was to create a system that aligns with the company’s mission, promoting a growth mindset like OKRs but maintaining focus on execution as KPIs do. Adopting a #semcostyle approach, we co-created a hybrid system that blended the strengths of both OKRs and KPIs.

To tie the aspirational tagline to their day-to-day work, we started with three core pillars: Cash, Convenience, and Compliance. For each pillar, we identified the function-specific drivers and the roles that had the most influence. From there, we defined measurable Key Results (KRs) for each role, ensuring they cascaded down and connected to the broader organisational objectives.

For the initial roll-out, we agreed that the initial focus would be on driving performance culture rather than pushing a growth mindset. As the teams matured, there would be room to shift that balance.

Ultimately, the solution wasn’t about choosing between OKRs or KPIs—it was about finding a system that measured what truly mattered, fitting the company’s needs, stage of growth, and where they are in their journey of building a performance culture.

To learn more about how we help organisations become self-managed, resilient and thus future-ready, click here.

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From Silos to Synergy – Mining a new formula for success

From Silos to Synergy – Mining a new formula for success

The India division of a global mining equipment manufacturer was recording steady year-over-year growth. While the prevalent functional structure delivered business results, it fostered a culture of blame and finger-pointing. The MD believed they weren’t performing to their full potential because they were locally optimized – focusing on departmental goals rather than organizational or global goals. We were engaged to guide the company’s transition from a functional to a value-driven structure. This shift required changing mindsets, not just organizational charts.

Aligning the leadership team and establishing clear “success criteria” was crucial. This involved engaging the senior leadership team in an exercise to define organization-level KPIs, limiting them to four to maintain focus. Then, a value-mapping exercise with the broader leadership team established a shared vision of how the new structure would function and deliver value to individuals and the organization.

After setting up cross-functional teams without specific functional leaders, we guided their evolution into self-organizing teams, which are essential for realizing the company’s true potential.

Although team members knew each other, they were required to work as a unified team for the first time. Facilitating open dialogue allowed team members to redefine their roles and clarify their contributions to the team’s and organization’s KPIs. Interventions like regular huddles, 15-minute morning updates, and open retrospectives kept the teams aligned and adaptable.

The change was gathering momentum. Engagement levels rose, connecting everyone from the “top floor” to the “shop floor”. In one incident, the team delivered five proposals to overseas clients within a week that could have easily taken months in the past. A particular “aha” moment for the MD came when a welder shared how regular communication, role clarity, and the breakdown of silos helped him adjust and accept changing priorities, which previously felt random and frustrating. According to the MD, these were all great confirmations that the company was on the right track to achieve its objectives.

To learn more about how we help organisations become self-managed, resilient and thus future-ready, click here.

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Weaving Magic – Success Through Self-management

Weaving Magic – Success Through Self-management

A renowned social entrepreneur had built a multimillion-dollar business by engaging artisans in rural India and thereby giving them a livelihood. While they were growing and going global, they were facing problems with delayed delivery of the end product, hurting them significantly in terms of money and goodwill. Semcostyle Institute India was engaged to demonstrate how a self-managed and empowered team can solve problems that seem complex from the outside.

Most of the work was done in the villages and by artisans who spoke native languages and had limited or no formal education. On the other hand, the “office”, where most decisions were made, was full of people with access to technology, resources, and data. Unsurprisingly, every time the challenge of OTD came up, both sides would say – what do they know? The lack of alignment between headquarters and field teams was stark.

As one of several interventions to enhance alignment, we got representatives from all functions to come together and visualize the value chain and what role each of them plays in that. We empowered field teams in the villages to determine what data they needed, how it should be delivered, by whom, and when. We started with an improvised form of a simple ritual – “daily standup” with a small cross-functional team. Over four weeks, the team designed easily readable reports that everyone could understand. Armed with the information that they could relate to, the team began making critical decisions like when to set up and offload the looms, dispatch completed products, and arrange logistics for shortages in raw materials – focusing on improving OTD. Within six weeks, with no additional investment or manager involvement the OTD improved from 40% to 70% for the pilot teams.

The team weaved the magic with five simple practices – #InformationBelongsToEveryone, #LetsLearnTheNumbers, #BoundariesOfAction, #RhythmOfGovernance and #PurposeAlignment Incidentally, these are the foundation of building self-managed teams.

#ShapingTheFutureOfWork #DrivingBusinessResults #HumanCentric

To learn more about how we help organisations become self-managed, resilient and thus future-ready, click here.

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Bust Bureaucracy

Bust Bureaucracy

The word bureaucracy instantly invokes negative emotions in people. Most connect it to something slow or inefficient. Indeed, as Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini say in their 2018 HBR article, “Bureaucracy has few fans.” But then, the question is – why do organizations worldwide find it hard to eliminate bureaucracy from their systems despite all this? The answer probably lies in the anatomy of “bureaucracy.” 

Back in the 18th century, French economist Jacques Claude Marie Vincent de Gournay came up with this word by combining bureau (“desk”) and –cratie (a suffix denoting a kind of government). Later on, by the late 19th – early 20th century Max Weber, a German scientist, defined bureaucracy as a highly structured, formalized, and impersonal organization. He instituted the belief that “an organization must have a defined hierarchical structure and clear rules,” regulations, and lines of authority that govern it. His “management theory of bureaucracy” had four pillars:

  • Specialization of labor
  • A formal set of rules and regulations
  • Well-defined hierarchy within the organization
  • Impersonality in the application of rules

Interestingly, this was around the same time when Fredrick Taylor published his “Scientific management” theory, dividing the role of managers and workers on a “scientific” basis to boost productivity. 

Both these theories complemented each other and probably made sense in the industrial era, when, according to one source , “…nine out of every ten working people did manual work, making or moving things, whether in manufacturing, farming, mining, or transportation“. 

We are well past the industrial era and speeding fast through an information era. According to the same source, by 2010 itself, nine out of ten working people were knowledge workers. Change is pervasive and cruising in a super-fast lane.  Most of the pillars on which both Taylor and Webber built their theories are slowly but surely crumbling. Technology is continuously democratizing access to information. In his book “Neo-generalist,” the author Kenneth Mikkelsen argues that the “I” model of the past, which was driven by the need for specialization, should now look more like “T.” It may even take the shape of “E” or “F” soon.

So when the “purpose” of those theories has lost relevance, why are organizations still following them and worst, some clinging onto them? Are there no new-age principles that leaders find a worthy replacement? The answer is, of course, no.

To their credit, some Business leaders are exploring new ways of organizing themselves and experimenting with different non-hierarchical structures in their organizations. As Agile is becoming mainstream, the focus is shifting to multi-disciplinary teams and collaboration over individual contributions. 

Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status.

Laurence Johnston Peter

Canadian educator and “hierarchiologist”
best known
for the formulation of the Peter principle.

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

Aldous Huxley
19th  Century Writer

But however leaders wish it to be untrue, bureaucracy is still integral to most organizations. From our experience and working with clients, we realize that bureaucracy has many forms and roots. Our survey shows that bureaucracy is not limited to any specific sector, size, or business complexity. It exists even in mid-size and smaller organizations. The only exception to the rule seems to be organizations in the early years of their existence. So why do early-age start-ups not show symptoms of bureaucracy like their older siblings? The answer probably lies in understanding when and how bureaucracy creeps into any organization. 

Organizations are collections of teams, and like teams, they also go through forming, storming, norming, and performing stages as they evolve. As they grow, maybe somewhere between storming and norming, founders and entrepreneurs think they need a structure to manage day-to-day function, processes to drive efficiency and scale, and so on. And in most cases, this is when bureaucracy silently puts a foot in the door. 

Now, to set things in perspective, organizations do need processes, structures, and systems to operate at a scale. While bureaucracy is strongly correlated to all that, the number one reason bureaucracy creeps in is the complexity of those structures and processes and not the mere existence of it.

On the contrary, not very intuitive, but the complete absence of clearly defined processes also leads to a sense of bureaucracy. It is true, especially in a large or rapidly growing organization. Not having a clear map to navigate different parts of the business limit new joiners’ ability to decide “what is the right thing to do at that moment”. Over time it creates a sense of bureaucracy because they need to “ask someone about day-to-day things all the time” .

Another layer of bureaucracy that is often less understood is the bureaucratic mindset. People working in an environment where one is not allowed to make their own decision develop a bureaucratic mindset over time. In an environment where every work product is “supervised,”; instead of driving efficiency, the objective becomes achieving compliance, and the teams focus more on the task than the outcome. Individuals begin to take shelter in processes and systems to find ways to defer execution. They start over-relying on their supervisors to trap mistakes rather than do it right in the first place. Overuse of the “maker-and-checker” concept is one example that triggers this chain reaction. Typically, “makers” begin to own less, knowing the “checker” will flag if things are wrong. It also becomes self-fulfilling nexus because the “checker’s” existence depends on “makers” (in)efficient execution. Slowly but surely, this slows things down, building a sense of bureaucracy.

Agility and bureaucracy can’t co-exist. Assuming you are leading an organization or a team where “agility” matters to you, where people make and own decisions and do not find ways to hide their inefficiencies under the umbrella of “system,”; you need to take decisive steps to break from the shackles of bureaucracy. Acknowledging that bureaucracy exists in your organization is an excellent first step. Identifying the exact cause of why bureaucracy exists and then owning the responsibility to bust it is crucial. Simplifying the set of processes, policies, and systems is necessary but not sufficient. It can, at best, be a foundation. But to tackle this challenge holistically, you need to focus on building a culture of ownership and accountability supporting that foundation. It may take time and investment, but it will be worth it!

How Can You Steer Smoothly In Turbulent Times?

How Can You Steer Smoothly In Turbulent Times?

The inspiration for this blog post is another viral post on LinkedIn about a bad customer experience by a passenger traveling in one of the leading low-cost airlines in India. 

Here is how the incident in the original post unfolds: 

A flight of the said airlines has landed at one of the modern airports of India and is waiting for ladders and ground buses so that passengers can disembark and reach the arrival lounge. Not expected at this time of the year in that area, but it’s raining heavily outside. Naturally, from the passengers’ point of view, they see hardship, and one of them (the author of the original post) takes the matter up with the cabin crew requesting them to explore the option of an aerobridge. The staff refuses to act on it. The passenger then calls the Airport ground personnel and confirms that the aerobridge is available and not allotted to their flight because the airline didn’t ask for it. So, the passenger goes back to the cabin crew and escalates to the captain when no response is received. Nothing changes. The lack of empathy by the staff agitates the passengers, escalating the situation and resulting in some sharp reactions. 

The post generated many responses, and naturally, almost all the comments shared passengers’ PoV, finding fault with the airline. 

Let’s Switch Sides! 

Each coin has two sides, so let’s switch sides. It is not to support one side or the other, but to gain a whole and balanced perspective on the issue.

If asked, the airline company certainly will have a version that supports their staff and how they handled the situation. 

If we step back a bit, we will appreciate the turbulent conditions the airline industry is going through. The impact of pandemic and the rising fuel costs, to name a few, would have put massive pressure on their balance sheet. So, if they are extra cost-conscious, that’s not unfounded for a low-cost carrier.

From the airline company’s point of view, maybe this was how it was planned and executed for numerous such flights before this specific flight. From the ground and cabin staff’s point of view, the situation was unique in itself that it wasn’t probably part of their SOP or most likely not covered as part of their training. 

So, what could be the real problem that agitated passengers on the flight? 

Is it that the airlines had not planned for an aerobridge in the first place or that it failed to provide it when passengers asked for it? 

Or is it just that the ground staff didn’t show the desired responsiveness, given the unusual weather condition, and planned for the aerobridge in time?

Could the cabin crew have done something else to address the passengers’ concerns? Maybe they could have requested umbrellas for passengers or a covered landing ladder or something else?

As it appears from the original post, the core issue is that none of the airline staff members—either ground or cabin—seemed to feel they had the authority to make those decisions. 

What Could The Airline Company Have Done Better? 

The original LinkedIn post seeks Government intervention. That may or may not work, but we will not delve into that.

Many organizations face these kinds of problems where teams are up against unique situations, but they need to respond to them.

What would you do if you were at the helm of this airline and were keen to see that your teams don’t create this kind of customer experience in the future? 

  • Would you introspect to assess where you stand regarding how things work and invest in training? 
  • Do you think it’s time to update SOPs and add more prescriptions for handling such situations?

From our perspective, it’s an opportune time for the airline company to reflect and invest in building a culture that enables everyone to take ownership, feel truly empowered to do what is right at any given moment to create an experience that the organization is committed to do.

We would love to hear your thoughts!