A misaligned leadership team at the Global Capability Center…

The Managing Director of our client expressed his frustration with a poignant observation: “My leadership team is working ‘eye for an eye’ instead of seeing eye to eye!” This sentiment captured the essence of the challenges plaguing the offshore engineering design centre of a prominent multinational corporation.

At first glance, the leadership team appeared formidable—an army of seasoned professionals, each one adept in their respective fields and deeply committed to their work. However, beneath this lay a critical issue: a glaring lack of empathy! What made it more challenging was that the Managing Director was a newly appointed expat. The pervasive horizontal power distance among the leaders continually diverted his focus towards conflict resolution rather than business growth initiatives.

Our intervention began with insightful one-on-one discussions with each member of the leadership team to understand their perspectives and set the stage for a transformative workshop. This was aimed at uncovering the ‘elephant in the room,’ as aptly termed by the MD. A pre-workshop session put the leaders through an anonymous #SemcostyleSelfie survey that showed them the mirror on trust and alignment as key aspects of the leadership team culture. An intense facilitator-led #PurposeAlignment exercise helped them drop their guard and fostered a sense of common purpose and unity.  The leaders learnt to appreciate each other’s contributions to client value.
Implementing practices such as creating a
#SocialCharter, #BreakingDownsilos, and engaging in #DilemmaConversations further strengthened team cohesion. Leaders documented agreed-upon behaviours in a customized journal and reinforced them through our facilitated reflection-based sessions.

Instead of focusing on problems, leaders learned to leverage each other’s strengths.
The results were profound. The leadership team was transformed into a unified force, optimizing their time and resources effectively. As a testament to their newfound synergy, they reported a remarkable threefold growth in the subsequent quarter!

#ShapingTheFutureOfWork #DrivingBusinessResults #HumanCentric

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